In a dramatic turn of events on Bigg Boss OTT 3, tensions reached a boiling point when Shivani Kumari and Kritika Malik got into a heated argument that escalated beyond control. The confrontation, which began as a verbal spat, quickly turned physical, leaving housemates and viewers in shock. As tempers flared, Shivani and Kritka were seen pushing each other and got into a physical and verbal fight.
The episode featured a major altercation between Kritika Malik and Shivani Kumari. The two women were seen yelling and exchanging insults during a task. Once the task concluded and Ranvir Shorey was named the house captain, Shivani and Kritika clashed again over kitchen hygiene. Kritika observed Shivani scratching her legs while cooking and requested her to take a bath before continuing to cook.
Shivani refused and denied scratching her legs, which escalated into a heated argument. The confrontation culminated in Kritika and Shivani pushing each other, with Kritika eventually resorting to verbal abuse. Later, Kritika refused to do her cooking duty as she did not want to share kitchen with Shivani. But Ranvir interfered in the matter and calmed down the situation. He gave a piece of mind to Kritika that she can’t force anyone to take a shower. He calmly asked Shivani to do her part of cooking duty and leave the kitchen post which Kritika would do her job.
The altercation reportedly started over a trivial matter but quickly intensified, with both women exchanging harsh words. The sight of Shivani wielding a knife sent shockwaves through the house, prompting immediate intervention from fellow contestant Lovekesh.