Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan began their relationship in 2007 and have now been together for 16 years, parents to two adorable boys, Taimur and Jeh. In an old episode of Koffee with Karan featuring Saif Ali Khan and Sharmila Tagore as guests, Kareena Kapoor made a special appearance via video, expressing her deep affection for Saif. She fondly recalled the moment she realized she had fallen in love with him.
In the video, a visibly emotional Kareena said, “What does Saif mean to me? Saif is my entire being, my entire universe, my whole life revolves around my Saif.
My eyes well up every time I talk about him because he is my life,” she said as she got emotional. Kareena then recalled her favourite memory of Saif and shared, “My favourite memory will always be the first time I met Saif. Because he was sitting on top of a makeup vanity van in Ladakh without his t-shirt and I was like ‘who is that guy who is sitting on op of a vanity van?’ and they were like ‘it’s Saif and I looked closer and I was like ‘my god, that’s Saif’. That was the moment I lost my mind and that was it.”
Talking about her relationship with her mother-in-law Sharmila Tagore, Bebo said, “I have called her Amma from the time I met Saif because I genuinely feel that connection and love for her because she has been so warm, so caring,” she said and added, “I think she looks at me more like a daughter, like Soha and Saba. It’s always been like that. She has always made me feel welcome.”
On the other hand, Sharmila, in an earlier video said, “There was a little gap and Kareena, I had known earlier,” she said. Describing Kareena as “lovely”, Sharmila said, “She was with us when Tiger was ill. She was with us when Tiger passed away.” She then recalled an incident where Kareena, in the company of Sharmila’s friends from Delhi, stated that she and Saif were living together and this impressed Sharmila. She compared it to the time when she was in a live-in relationship with Tiger Pataudi but dared not state it in front of people. “Even when I think about it, I laugh that how simple and sorted she is. She is so direct,” she said.