Deepika Padukone shared pictures with Ranbir Kapoor from the screen test of their hit-film, ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’ and her hubby, Ranveer Singh dropped a lovely comment on it. Take a look!
Everyone had loved the trailer of the film and was immensely excited to watch Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone’s chemistry on the big screen. The stage was already set with the soothing songs like Kabira and Subhanallah but the trending lists were ruled by Badtameez Dil, Ilahi, and Balam Pichkari for months.
Everyone knew that this film is going to be a successful one but there were also some doubts by a few realising the fact that it’s just the second film of Ayan Mukerji after Wake Up Sid! On May 31, 2020, when the film had released all over the country, a tsunami of marvellous reviews, headlines in awe with the chemistry of Bunny and Naina, and almost every teenager wanted to be a just like Kabir Thapar.
The film had it all, from college trips and working in abroad to attending a best friend’s wedding and realising the true meaning of life. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani had already engraved its place in one of the greatest movies of all-time and on the seventh anniversary of this exceptional film.
The lead actress and our beloved Naina a.k.a. Deepika Padukone shared two pictures with her film’s co-star and ex-beau, Ranbir Kapoor. And even her husband, Ranveer Singh couldn’t stop himself from complimenting the chemistry of Deepika and Ranbir in the film.
On May 31, 2020, Deepika Padukone took to her Instagram handle and posted two beautiful pictures with her co-star, Ranbir Kapoor on the special occasion of their film, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’s seventh anniversary.
The actress revealed that the pictures are from their first-ever look test for the film and along with it she wrote one of the most famous dialogues of the film in her caption that can be read as “Our very first look test…‘Yaadein mithai ke dibbe ki tarah hoti hain…Ek baar khula, toh sirf ek tukda nahi kha paoge’-Naina Talwar #7yearsofyehjaawanihaideewani @ayan_mukerji @hussain.dalal #ranbirkapoor #bunny @dharmamovies @karanjohar.”
The pictures surely brought back all the memories of this beautiful film and even Deepika’s husband, Ranveer Singh couldn’t hold himself from praising the chemistry of Deepika and Ranbir. The doting hubby dropped a lovely comment and it can be read as “Cuuuute.” Take a look.
It has been a while that Deepika and Ranbir have broken up, and both had moved on in their respective lives. While Ranbir Kapoor is now in a steady relationship with Alia Bhatt, Deepika has now become the wife of Bollywood’s powerhouse, Ranveer Singh.
Recently, in a recent candid interview with Film Companion, Deepika Padukone had dropped a bomb and had revealed that Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are getting married.
Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Vijay Deverakonda, Ayushmann Khurrana and Manoj Bajpayee were the actors present during the whole conversation and were hiding their amusing expressions from one another.
It had all started when South superstar, Vijay Deverakonda was asked about the actresses from whom he would like to receive a bit of advice. The actor had replied saying, “Without shame, a lot of people on this table have been massive crushes. I’ve been in love with some of them like these two (Deepika and Alia). She (Deepika) got married but.” To his answer, Deepika had quickly quipped, “She (Alia) is getting married.” After which, Alia Bhatt had said, “Excuse me, why have you made this declaration?” In response to it, embarrassed Deepika had admitted that she had just made it all up by herself.