Gordon Ramsay Admits to ‘Crying His Eyes Out’ and Fainting at Son Oscar’s Birth
He may be quite the tough, foul-mouth chef on TV, but even Gordon Ramsay can get quite emotional, and he proved that at the delivery of his fifth child, Oscar.
“I’ve been giddy flying in a fighter jet at 1,000mph. I’ve done some very dangerous things underwater. But I’ve never, ever felt as vulnerable as I did when my son Oscar was born,” the 52-year-old told Daily Mail. “I’m sat there in the room worrying about menus and ingredients and all of a sudden this little head pops out the sun roof and you s–t yourself.”
The Hell’s Kitchen star recalled how intense his feelings were watching his wife, Tana, give birth at the Portland Hospital in London. “I cried my f–king eyes out. All of a sudden you are nobody. You’re standing there looking at a team of experts who are saying, ‘Right. We’re going to look after you now, Tana,’” Gordon said.
“I was as white as a ghost. I fell back into the chair and I fainted. They said, ‘Tana’s fine. I think it’s you we need to look after next. It was just a moment of madness, being out of control. I’m a control freak, always in control,” he added.
Gordon and Tana, married since 1996, also share four other kids — Megan, 21, twins Holly and Jack, 19, and Tilly, 17 — and yet, the TV chef revealed this was the first time he had ever been in the delivery room to watch one of his children being born.
“I’ve never experienced that before,’ he told he outlet. “Tana never wanted me to see her in that state. One time I went fly-fishing.” Although the restaurateur does say that the feeling while holding his baby boy was overwhelming.
“I had to hand him back,” Gordon recalled. “I was like a sack of s–t on a hot day. And I’m looking in his eyes thinking, ‘Oh no dude, you’re going to be p–sedd off with me when you hear about this!’”
Baby Oscar arrived just two years after the loving couple had a miscarriage and lost their son Rocky. “I don’t think you’ll ever forget, in terms of healing,” Gordon explained. It didn’t smooth anything over … because that time was awful. But we’ve sort of brought closure to that. Now it’s easier to talk about Rocky.”
We are incredibly happy for the Ramsay family and wish them nothing but the best moving forward.