Back in 1992, he received the title of “the most desirable man on the planet”! And since then, little has changed.

Despite the fact that Keanu Reeves is gradually approaching his 50th birthday, he remains the same mysterious and attractive man for thousands of women.

Keanu Reeves’ personal life is no less mysterious and incomprehensible than the actor himself. Keanu was born in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

His mother was an Englishwoman, a semi-bohemian costume designer, his father was a simple worker, but with a rich biography – he was even in prison for selling heroin.

On his father’s side, Keanu got a real “bloody cocktail” – Irish, Portuguese, Chinese, English, Hawaiians – whoever was in Reeves Sr.’s family. That’s where Keanu Reeves gets his extraordinary appearance from.

When Keanu was three years old, his father abandoned them. The actor still does not maintain a relationship with his father. His mother married three more times. As a child, Keanu Reeves was seriously involved in hockey and dreamed of connecting his life with it.
And if it weren’t for the injury that put an end to his sports career, who knows if we would have seen The Matrix? By the way, Keanu Reeves never finished school; his studies were hampered by bad behavior and dyslexia (interestingly, Tom Cruise has the same problem).

Keanu Reeves’ acting career began in the 1980s with filming in commercials. And today he is practically a film icon. A terrible tragedy happened in Keanu Reeves’ personal life.
In 1998, he met aspiring actress Jennifer Syme and they began dating. In January 2000, the couple was supposed to have a daughter, but a week before the birth the girl died in the womb.
The misfortune united the lovers even more; they planned to get married. But on April 2, 2001, Jennifer, who was 28 at the time, died in a car accident. She is buried in Los Angeles next to her unborn daughter.

Today, Keanu Reeves’ personal life remains virtually unchanged. He is not seen in affairs, is closed and still lonely. He buys real estate, travels, rides around on a motorcycle, fights with the paparazzi… And… makes friends with women.

Yes, what kind! Cameron Diaz , Sandra Bullock , Charlize Theron … We think that Keanu Reeves deserves to be happy. Where is she, his soul mate? Aw!

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